


If you also eat two to three rusks with tea, then be careful, otherwise there may be some serious problems.

 Rusk Disadvantage: Those who eat Rusk with tea should be careful, the risk of heart attack may increase

Whether it is morning tea or evening snack, or midnight craving tea, many people have a lot of desire to eat rusk ie toast. Its crunchiness compels you to eat it. If you are hungry and don't feel like making anything, then Rusk with tea is the best way to satisfy your hunger instantly. But there are many disadvantages of eating this rusk which will satisfy your hunger in a few minutes. Especially the combination of tea with rusk can be very harmful for your health. There are also many health disadvantages of including rusks in your diet on a daily basis.

1. Risk of obesity Eating rusk also increases your food cravings, due to which your weight starts increasing quickly. Rusk contains high sugar and refined flour, which causes obesity.

2. Rusk does not contain any nutrients There is no health benefit of eating rusk, because it does not contain any nutrients. Due to which eating it can increase inflammation in your body. Refined flour is used to make rusk, which does not contain fiber or other nutrients. To keep it stored for a long time, some chemicals are added to it, which can harm your health.

3. The problem of diabetes may increase if sugar, refined oil, refined oil, flour, gluten are mixed with rusk.

4. The problem of constipation can increase. Regularly including rusks in your diet can cause constipation. Bad bacteria start growing in your intestine by eating rusk. Due to which your immunity power can be weakened. Weakening of immunity power also increases the risk of digestive problems. Which can increase stomach problems.
5. The risk of heart attack may increase Flour, oil and sugar are used in making rusks. It can block the veins of your heart, which increases the risk of heart attack.

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